Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. Are the services really free?

Yes, services that are listed within GetHelpSac and FindHelp are free to use.

Q. Do I need to create an account to receive help?

No you do not need an account.
If you do sign-up with FindHelp.org, some benefits are: Save and share lists of your favorite programs. Contact or refer programs directly. Keep notes about programs and people you're helping

Q. Who can I contact if I have a program that is not listed?

Please use this contact page to reach out to us with suggestions.

Q. If I click the Exit button is there data still available in my browser?

Once you click or tap the EXIT button, the website browser will remove the gethelpsac.org site and load two new tabs with weather and google landing pages. Your browser will still have a history of gethelpsac.org. It is recommended you clear your browser cache if you want all traces removed.

Q. Is there a mobile app version available in the app stores?

Currently no.